Please attend Council meetings 18 and 19 October
In our last newsletter we asked for your help in supporting us by attending the meetings on the 18th and 19th October and emailing your Ward Councillors. Since then there has been some doubt as to whether Biggin Hill Airport’s Noise Action Plan would be dealt with at those meetings, but it has since been confirmed that it will.
We understand that the discussions will cover all aspects of the NAP Review and that its contents could be approved with one exception relating to the unfulfilled condition for a new approach to R03, which is now scheduled for discussion by the Council in January 2023. This effectively means that all other issues that residents have been campaigning for, such as a reduced noise limit, a reduced cap on movements and a recognition of the inadequacies of Webtrak will not be open for further debate. The reason for the postponed decision on Runway 03 is because a decision is awaited from the CAA on this issue. We are told this is expected at the end of December 2022.
We should also point out that the revised Noise Action Plan has not been published with the papers for next week’s meeting. This is in direct contradiction of an undertaking at the Executive meeting in January this year that it would be published in time for public comment. We leave you to decide why the Council has withheld the document in this way.
It is therefore even more important that Councillors see you at the meetings and hear by email the strength of feeling the NAP Review has generated. We hope you are able to help in any way you can. At our recent meeting Flightpath Watch were encouraged to produce a flyer which supporters could print and deliver to their friends and neighbours. There is a link to this document below and we would very much appreciate your help in spreading the word as quickly as possible. It is vital that residents lobby their Councillors and the members of both the Scrutiny Committee (Executive Resources and Contracts Policy Development Scrutiny Committee, ERCPDS) and the Executive Committee to tell them in no uncertain words how strongly you feel about the issues at stake and the way in which this important Review is being conducted. Their email addresses can be found on the Council’s website and contact details for the ERCPDS Committee members and LBB Executive councillors are below.
Please click this link for the FPW flyer.
Click here for the ERCPDS Committee members – EMA contacts.
Click here for the LBB Executive councillors and email contact addresses.
The meetings start at 7pm and are held in the Council chamber at the Civic Centre in Bromley. We suggest you arrive a little earlier to allow for time to find a seat.
Thank you for your support!