Further delays to NAP revision & Future expansion plans
At the 25th March 2024 meeting of Bromley Council’s Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development Scrutiny Committee (ERCPDS) it was recommended and agreed by the Executive that no later than June 2024 there would be an update on the progress of the NAP revision.
It was agreed that the NAP negotiations were taking far too long and a long stop was required to bring them to a conclusion. We are now informed the update promised has been moved to 16th September 2024 and there will be no discussion in June.
Please note in your diary the 16th September 2024 when we will ask you all to attend this important meeting at the Civic Centre. A reminder will be sent nearer the date but we need the gallery of the Council Chamber to be filled by our supporters.
BHAL have published an extensive review “The Economic Footprint of Biggin Hill Airport” saying it has been produced ‘independently’ by Lichfields who happen to be their usual consultants and is designed to influence decisions and feed into the Local Plan Review. https://bigginhillairport.com/wp-content/uploads/Economic-Impact-of-London-Biggin-Hill-Airport.pdf
At the end of the review there is a Biggin Hill document containing their Vision for “A Strategic Centre for Sustainable Aviation”. This states BHAL “…finds itself with little remaining available land allocated for development within the current SOLDC boundary” and wish to make several significant changes. Here are some of the important proposals:
- Extend the boundary of the Strategic Outer London Development Centre (SOLDC)
- The enlarged SOLDC boundary to include a) approx 60 acre area located north of East Camp and close to West Kent Golf Club to construct a “Hub” for technology, b) an extension to the terminal area with land to the north, and c) land for the Aviation College
- Green Belt release. The BHAL document says “Key land within the SOLDC boundary remains in the Green Belt. This land should be released from Green Belt to facilitate growth…”.
- An extensive Solar Array on the Milking Lane Farm land to the north of the main runway located behind the homes on Leaves Green Road and Downe Road. The Array is to produce electricity for the airport and for the production of hydrogen
Please click the following links for two plans;
You will recall the airport was acquired by the London Borough of Bromley (LBB) from the Ministry of Defence in order to protect the site from speculative development.
These proposals if actioned will not result in any extra Capital Income for the LBB under the Lease terms and hence residents, despite the Hub being proposed on prime land. The value of the land with permission for construction is likely to be in excess of tens of millions of pounds.
While Flightpath Watch wishes all business ventures in the Borough success and supports the production of jobs and opportunities for residents, this should not be at the expense of our environment and the safe and quiet enjoyment of our heritage.
You may wish to email all the candidates in your constituencies standing for election on 4th July and ask them what they think about the Biggin Hill Master Plan aspirations to have green belt land released in order to build a 60 acre Technical Hub.
We are bringing our concerns and disquiet about these projects to the attention of Councillors and Officers and urge you also to question your Councillors as to their views.
Please continue to alert your Councillors of aircraft noise and flight path infringements and complain to BHAL through Webtrak copying the Airport Monitoring Officer at Bromley Council (james.george@bromley.gov.uk) in your submissions.
Remember to note in your diary – 16th September 2024
We are seeking a secretary to assist with minutes and a small amount of general administration.
As volunteers we meet once a month for a couple of hours and if you can help we would be most grateful. You probably know what our objectives are but if not please see our website www.flightpathwatch.co.uk
If you are interested in learning more please email info@flightpathwatch.co.uk
Thank you