NAP revision pushed back – again

NAP revision pushed back – again

On the 18th and 20th September the LBB Scrutiny Committee, followed by the Executive Committee, provided an update on the state of the NAP Revision. Due to confidentiality of information however, very little could be disclosed to the public about its contents but what appeared was that BHAL were considered to be obdurate, possibly because they are not getting all their own way.

Cllr Jeal enquired what public consultation would occur, what period of notice would be given and how long residents would have to consider and comment on the proposals.  Cllr Fawthrop, Chairman, replied that the proposed meeting of the Council in January 2024 would be pushed back and consultation would be decided when information was available.

Cllr. Owen proposed a meeting between BHAL, residents and other groups which should take place sooner than January 2024 but Cllr. Fawthrop opined that BHAL would not take notice of residents so a meeting would serve no purpose.  He added that LBB would not be forced into any decisions in the matter and agreed it was important that LBB engages with residents

Cllr. Evans proposed a third motion, that getting things done was important and that if no substantive progress was achieved by January 2024, then alternative options for progress should be proposed and reported to the Executive. This was seconded by the Chairman and carried.

Cllr Owen asked that Vanguardia, who have been engaged by LBB as independent noise experts, should speak to residents to explain their advice. This proposal is to be examined to see if it would be possible within Vanguardia’s contract terms.

The Executive Committee accepted the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee.  Officers will investigate whether a meeting between BHAL and residents would be practical.

Thank you to all who filled the gallery in the Council Chambers. Your presence was noted and remarked upon by the Councillors.  We must continue to ensure our concerns are at the front of all negotiations now taking place.

Flightpath Watch will keep you informed when we know more.  In the meantime, please continue to encourage your neighbours in the area to sign up to our distribution list.  They can do this by sending an email request to with their name, postcode and (optionally) their address and a contact phone number.

Best regards
Flightpath Watch Ltd